When Thomas Heard from Jesus

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Carolyn Winfrey Gillette seems to have a hymn for every occasion, and this one is particularly apt for the Second Sunday in Easter, when we listen to the story of Jesus meeting with his disciples in a locked room late on that first Easter Day. You remember the story: Thomas isn't there that night, and doesn't believe the stories the the others tell him.

But there's a lot more to this Apostle than his doubts, and Carolyn's pulled the story of his walk with Jesus into clear view in the 5 verses of this hymn. 

Accompanied by full orchestra, this setting of AURELIA is designed to be a comfortable sing for all congregations.

Biblical References: Matthew 10:1-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16; John 11:11-16; John 14:1-7; John 20:19-29; John 21:1-7; Acts 1:12-14.

Carolyn's hymns are only available for free use during this time of COVID, so these tracks will only be available for a limited time. All three versions are available for free download until Carolyn withdraws her offer.

Listen to the Audio file here, or preview the SD Lyric Video on YouTube.

Available as audio only, or as a Lyric Video in two sizes.

Change Log...
16 December 2021: v1.3. Remixed vocal stack, re-mastered. Minor edits to Lyric Videos. If you purchased an older version of this track, you are entitled to a free update. You should have received an automatic email about this from the store.

Select a format-
SD Video: Standard Definition, suitable for older Data Projectors and screens
HD Video: High Definition, suitable for TVs, mobile devices, and HDMI data projectors

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